B Yoga

Did you know that most people breathe incorrectly? Zen yoga is about slowing down the rush of the outside world and focusing on your breath to bring peace to your mind and to properly oxygenate your muscles. In other words, by breathing correctly,  you nourish your mind and body fully. 

It doesn't matter your shape, fitness or flexibility. Yoga is a practice, and we are all at different stages in the development of our practice. We can't change everything in life but we can change how we approach each moment, so don't let any preconceived notions about yoga hold you back from trying a class as there will be easier and challenge options available throughout each session.  

In class, Bonnie will share her passion for Zen yoga and meditation with you and help you find your inner peace. 

Please bring your own yoga mat for Covid safety reasons. 

Leader: Bonnie Loveday
Day: Thursdays
Time: 6pm-7pm
Place: Wesley Hall
Cost: £6.00 (Contributions made tot he mental health charity MIND) 

To book email BYOGA1@outlook.com
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